COEX is proud to be verified and certified by various organizations which exemplify COEX's commitment to corporate responsibility.
The Green Coffee Association is a trade association that provides resources and other benefits for individuals and companies dealing with the export, transport, storage, insuring, financing, importing, trading and/or roasting of green coffee.
The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) is a voluntary supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and focused on improving the security of private companies' supply chains with respect to terrorism.
The National Coffee Association (NCA) or (National Coffee Association of U.S.A., Inc.), is the main market research, consumer information, and lobbying association for the coffee industry in the United States. COEX's Ernesto Alvarez also sits on the NCA's board of directors.
Rainforest Alliance Verified
The Rainforest Alliance is a non-governmental organization with the published aims of working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.
UTZ Certified
UTZ certified promotes sustainable farming and better opportunities for farmers, their families and the planet. The UTZ program assures good agricultural practices and management, safe and healthy working conditions, no child labor, and protection of the environment. UTZ also can track and trace the coffee from the farmer to the shelf in the store. (So you can be sure that your trusted product was grown, harvested and processed sustainably).
OCIA International Certified
Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) International is one of the world's oldest, largest and most trusted leaders in the organic certification industry. A nonprofit, member-owned, agricultural organization, OCIA is dedicated to providing the highest quality organic certification services and access to global organic markets. OCIA provides certification services to thousands of organic farmers, processors and handlers in North, Central and South America, and Asia.
C.A.F.E. Practices Verified
Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices is a comprehensive coffee-buying program that ensures coffee quality while promoting social, economic and environmental standards. C.A.F.E. Practices, which Starbucks developed in collaboration with Conservation International (CI) a decade ago, has created significant social and economic impacts for more than one million workers, and environmental improvements on the thousands of participating farms. Farms and mills are evaluated using a comprehensive scorecard of more than 200 indicators by third-party verification organizations, which are overseen by SCS Global Services.
Fairtrade USA Certified
The international FAIRTRADE Mark is your assurance that products bearing it have met the internationally-agreed social, economic and environmental Fairtrade Standards. The international FAIRTRADE Mark is backed by the internationally-agreed Fairtrade Standards, strong producer involvement in all decision-making, an independent certification system through FLO-CERT and a global network offering support to producers.
FLO-CERT Certified
The FLO-CERT's mission is to contribute to the social and economic development of farmers and workers in the Global South through a credible and competent certification system. They operate a professional, credible and service driven certification system, always ensure that the customers, producers and traders, receive a high quality service on which they can rely and with which they are satisfied and provide a guarantee to consumers that Fairtrade Standards are rigorously controlled, thereby bringing credibility and sustainability to the Fairtrade market.
4C “Common Code for Coffee Community” is a global certification scheme for the sustainable cultivation and processing of coffee. Through independent third party audits, 4C is able to ensure compliance with economic, social, and environmental criteria in the production & processing of coffee and thus contribute to establishing credible sustainable coffee supply chains. The 4C standard ensures that coffee cultivation is not contributing to deforestation and reduction of biodiversity, that good agricultural practices (GAP) and measures to protect soil and water are applied, and human, labour and land rights are respected.
The 4C’s sustainability principles are set out in the 4C Code of Conduct which was developed in a comprehensive and transparent multi-stakeholder process involving coffee producers, trade and industry, as well as civil society organisations around the world. Through innovative tools and profound trainings, the program monitors compliance and continuous improvement of participating farmers and partners along the supply chain. 4C enables participation of the smallest producers and additionally to the certification process, implements local tailor-made projects to improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers and their families. It is one of the largest certification systems for coffee and well recognized by all stakeholders in the global coffee industry.